耐磨性 abrasionresistance
抗起毛起球性 pillingresistance
拒水性 water repellency
抗水性 water resistance
折痕回复力 wrinkle recovery
布料硬挺度 fabric stiffness
弹性及回复力 stretch &recovery
羽绒成分分析 compositionanalysis
膨松度 filling power
杂色毛和绒的比例 black tip
填充料的净重量 new weight (conditioned) of fillingmaterial
含水率 moisture content
溶剂可溶物的测定 determination ofsolvent solube
酸度 acidity
好氧指数 oxygen number
清洁度 turbidity test
羽绒布防漏性 penetrationresistance of cloth to feather & down
洗涤后外观 appearanc afterlaundering
贮存后外观 appearance afterstorage
耐烫性能 resistance toironing
拉链强力 zipper strength
拉链的往复性 reciprocatingtest
拉链耐用性 durability ofzipper
拉链的使用性能 operability ofzipper
魔术贴剪力 shear strength ofhooks & loops fastener (velcro tape)
魔术贴撕离力 peeling strengthof hooks & loops fastener (velcro tape)
魔术贴分合 consecutiveadhere/ separation exercising on hooks & loops fastener (velcro tape)
金属抛光物的锈蚀/变色试验 corrosion /tarnish test on metallic finishes
按钮分开强力 unsnapping ogsnap fasteners
金属钮扣、铆钮的紧固试验 security ofmetallics buttons,rivets,ets.
按钮的紧固试验 security of snapbutton
钮扣强力 strength ofbuttons
耐洗液腐蚀性 resistance to washliquor
耐干洗溶剂腐蚀性 resistance todrycleaning solvents
钮扣撞击测试 button impacttest
钮扣拉力试验 button tensiontest
钮扣钮力试验 button torquetest
按钮附着力 snap attachmentstrength
装饰物附着力 trim attachmentstrength
适当试验后推荐护理标签 care instruction/labelrecommendation after appropriate testing (testing charges excluded)
成衣尺寸测量 garment sizemeasurement
硫化染料染色的纺织品的加速老化 acceleratedageing of sulphur-dyed textiles
色差判定 colour differenceassessment
短纤维长度 fibre staplelength
线形密度 linear density
纤维直径 fibre diameter
单根纤维强力 single fibrestrength
纤维韧性 tenacity of fibre
纱支 yarn count
纱线纤度(原样) denier count asreceived
连续或非连续纤维的识别 identification ofcontinuous/ discontinuous fibres
每卷经纱长 length of threadper roll
纱线净重 net weight ofthread
单纱强力 single threadstrength
绞纱强力 lea strength
线圈强力 loop strength
纱线韧性 tenacity of yarn
纱捻度 twist per unit
重量 weight
厚度 thickness
纤维含量 fibre content
树脂含量 resin content
压缩与回复试验 compresssion andresilience test
样品分析前准备 sample dissectionfor analysis preparation
皂洗尺寸稳定性 dimensionalstability to washing
机洗/水洗后的外观 appsitionof pile & back
摩擦色牢度 colour fastness to rubbing
光照色牢度 colour fastnessto light
水渍色牢度 colour fastnessto water
毛束联结牢度 tuft withdrawalforce (tuft bind)
毛束经密度 pitches per unitlength
毛束纬密度 rows per unitlength
底布密度 threads per unitlength of backing
单位面积重量 weight per unitarea
表面毛绒密度(只做单层毛毯) surface piledensity (single level pile carpet only)
起绒纱股数 ply of pile yarn
割绒种类 type of cut pile
毛绒或毛圈长度 pile or looplength
毛绒或底部的纤维成分 fibre compositionof pile & back